The IControl type exposes the following members.


Public propertyCanFocus
Gets the controls ability to receive focus
Public propertyDisposing
Gets the disposing state of the control
Public propertyEnabled
Gets/Sets the enabled state of the control
Public propertyHeight
Gets/Sets the height of the control in pixels
Public propertyLastTouch
Gets the coordinates of the last point touched
Public propertyLeft
Gets the absolute X position of the control accounting for parental offsets
Public propertyName
Gets the name of the control
Public propertyParent
Gets/Sets the control's container
Public propertyScreenBounds
Gets the exact location of the control in pixels on the screen
Public propertySuspended
Gets/Sets the suspended state
Public propertyTop
Gets the absolute Y position of the control accounting for parental offsets
Public propertyTouching
Gets the current touch state of the control
Public propertyVisible
Gets/Sets the visibility of the control
Public propertyWidth
Gets/Sets the width of the control in pixels
Public propertyX
Gets/Sets the X position in pixels
Public propertyY
Gets/Sets the Y position in pixels

See Also